[Re-posted] Call for applications for "Model Businesses to Obtain JFS Standards
The Japan Food Safety Promotion Organization (JFSA) provides subsidies for the cost of audits and in...
[ Public Offering ] FY2021 Additional Call for Model Businesses to Obtain JFS Standards (Food Service)
As part of our efforts to promote the JFS standard, we will subsidize the cost of acquiring the JFS ...
Call for Participation in Business Meetings with Vietnamese Food Distributors and Retailers
Japan Food Safety Management Association (hereinafter referred to as "JFSM") will hold a business me...
JFS-C Standard Document Version 3.0 Guideline Edition 1.1 is now available.
Japan Food Safety Management Association (JFSM) is pleased to announce the release of the book "JFS-...
[ Additional Call for Applications] Call for Applications for "JFS Standard Model Businesses".
Japan Food Safety Management Association (JFSM) provides support for the cost of assessment and audi...
The publication and release of Version 3.1 of the JFS-C Certification Program Document and, Supplementary Requirements of Version 3.0 of the JFS-C Standards Document.
The Japan Food Safety Management Association (JFSM) is pleased to announce the publication and rele...
Call for Public Comment (Comment on "Approval Criteria Document for JFSM Approved Training Institutions and Instructors Version 3.0")
Thank you for your continued support and cooperation for the activities of the Japan Food Safety Man...
Beware of suspicious emails (spoofed emails)
There have been reports of so-called "spoof e-mails" being sent fraudulently from the domain of the ...
Auditing Company Participating in JFS Program is Now Registered
Japan Association for Inspection and Investigation of Food Including Fats and Oils (JAIIF) has been ...
We are pleased to announce the organizations that have been accredited as certification bodies based on JFS-C Standard Requirements Ver. 3.0 and JFS-C Certification Program Document Ver. 3.0
JFS-C Standard Requirements Ver. 3.0 and JFS-C certification program document Ver. 3.0, the followin...