More audit companies have been added to the JFS Standards Conformity Certification Program.
More audit company has been added to the JFS Standards Conformity Certification Program. In addition...
More audit companies have been added to the JFS Standards (Food Services)
We are pleased to announce that the following two JFS Standards Conformity Certification Program aud...
(Update) JFSM Membership Debriefing Session Spring 2023 will be held on Thursday, May 11.
The Japan Food Safety Management Association (JFSM) Membership Debriefing Session will be held on Th...
Recording of the JFS Standards Online Seminar for Food Service and Catering Businesses (held on March 16) is now available.
The free online seminar "'JFS Standards (Food Service)' for Food Service Providers as a Certificate ...
The JFSM Membership Debriefing Spring 2023 will be held on Thursday, May 11, 2023.
The JFSM Membership Debriefing will be held on Thursday, May 11. JFSM provides its members with up-t...
Open recruitment "JFS Standard Acquisition Model Demonstration Project" Call for applications.
The Japan Food Safety Management Foundation (JFSM) provides subsidies to food manufacturers and food...
Additional training courses and institutions under the JFS program have been registered.
Fields Consulting, Inc. has registered a new training course for audit training for JFS-A/B standard...
"The General Hygiene Control & HACCP Seminar for JFS Standards" recording is now available!
JFSM has made available the recording and documents of the November 25, 2022 "General Sanitation Man...
Online Seminar for Food Service Providers: "JFS Standard (Food Service)" as proof of your restaurant's ability to serve safe food. (Subsidy information available)
The Japan Food Safety Management Association (JFSM) will hold a free online seminar for food service...
(Extension) ( free & subsidized) FOODEX JAPAN 2023 Call for business operators to use JFSM's business meeting space
The Japan Food Safety Management Association (hereinafter referred to as "JFSM") will participate in...