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Announcement of booth exhibition and keynote speech at ifia JAPAN 2025


Japan Food Safety Management Association (JFSM) will exhibit at "ifia JAPAN 2025" to be held from May 21 (Wed.) to 23 (Fri.), 2025, to promote the acquisition of new JFS standards and to increase awareness.In addition to exhibiting at the booth, we will be a keynote speaker at the organizer's seminar on Thursday, May 22.

IFIA JAPAN 2025 - 30th International Food Ingredients / Additives Exhibition & Conference -]

Dates: May 21 (Wed.) - 23 (Fri.), 2025 10:00~17:00

Venue: Tokyo Big Sight, South Exhibition Hall, South Hall 1, Booth No. A127

Official Website: https://www.ifiajapan.com/

Please pre-register (free of charge) at the URL below.


■About the JFSM Exhibit Booth (Booth No. A127)

We will be available to discuss food safety initiatives and answer questions about JFS standards directly with you.Please take this opportunity to stop by.

■Keynote Speaker at Organizer's Seminar

President Kotani will be a keynote speaker at the Hygiene Control, HACCP, Food Defense, and Allergy Session on Thursday, March 22, from 1:30 to 2:00 p.m.

He will explain the global distribution and characteristics of GFSI (Global Food Safety Initiative) approved certification programs used in international food transactions, and why one of them, the Japan-originated food safety management standard [JFS standard], is ``easy to work with and easy to understand''. He will also talk about the latest international trends in food safety standards, including the content of the GFSI Conference, an important event where global food safety trends are discussed.

Title: International trends in food safety management standards and JFS Standards

Lecturer: Masanori Kotani, President/Secretary General, Japan Food Safety Management Association

Date & Time: Thursday, May 22, 13:30-14:00

Venue: Tokyo Big Sight, South Exhibition Hall, South Hall 1, Stage A: Food Safety and Science Session Room (Open Stage in the Exhibition Hall)

Admission is free, but pre-registration is required for admission to the exhibition.

Please refer to the following URL for details.


[Contact for this matter]

Japan Food Safety Management Association (JFSM)

Business Support Division, Promotion Team, Mutaguchi, Osawa, Konno

Email: info★jfsm.or.jp (replace ★ with @)

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