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Update: JFS-B Plus Standard Ver.1.0 Guidelineis now available.


Japan Food Safety Management Association (JFSM) released JFS-B Plus Standard Ver. 1.0 Guideline Edition 1.0 on July 25, 2024.

This guideline is based on the JFS-B Plus Standard Ver. 1.0, which was released on May 29, 2024. Please refer to the following link.

JFS-B Plus Standard (Food and Chemical Products Manufacturing Sector) Guideline Ver. 1.0 Edition 1.0(English)

JFS-B Plus Standard (Food and Chemicals Manufacturing Sector) Guideline Version 1.0 Edition 1.0 (Japanese)

Please refer to the following link for details of JFS-B Plus Standard Ver. 1.0.
(Reference: Published on May 29, 2024) https://www.jfsm.or.jp/information/2024/240529_001069.php (Japanese)

For the complete list of published documents including the above, please refer to the following page.
List of Published Documents (Japanese)

Disclaimer: The translation process used on this English website is partially offered by a "machine translation" for your convenience. This translated document is provided for information purposes only. In the event of a difference of interpretation or a dispute, the original Japanese version of this document is binding.