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【Free Online Seminar on November 8】Utilizing JFS Standards (Food Service & Multi-Site) for Food Safety Management: An Online Seminar Explaining Standards for Multi-Store Food Service Operators


Providing safe food is fundamental to gaining customer trust, and it is crucial to establish a continuous system for delivering safe food. This seminar will focus on the 'JFS Standard (Food Service & Multi-Site),' which has been developed for multi-store food service operators, providing third-party certification to build a food safety management system across multiple locations, from individual stores to headquarters and including executive management.


The seminar will cover an explanation of the standard's requirements and features. It is a free, compact, 1-hour and 20-minute online seminar, and we encourage you to join us.


**Seminar Content:**
- Overview of the Food Safety Management Association (JFSM), JFS Standards, and conformance certification
- Current conditions and regulations related to food service
- Characteristics of the JFS Standard (Food Service & Multi-Site)
- Explanation of audits, requirements, common questions and answers, and obtaining certification
- Q&A session


*This seminar will cover the same content as the online seminar held on August 28, 2024: "Utilizing JFS Standards (Food Service & Multi-Site) for Food Safety Management: An Online Seminar for Multi-Store Food Service Operators."


For more information on the JFS Standard (Food Service & Multi-Site), please refer to this brochure.



≪Event Overview≫
■ Date and Time: November 8, 2024 (Friday) 15:00 - 16:20

■ Seminar Title: Utilizing JFS Standards (Food Service & Multi-Site) for Food Safety Management: An Online Seminar Explaining Standards for Multi-Store Food Service Operators

■ Speaker: Makoto Hattanda (Manager, Conformance Certification Team / Human Resource Development Team, JFS Division, Food Safety Management Association)

■ Format: Zoom Webinar

■ Capacity: 500 participants (first-come, first-served, pre-registration required)

■ Registration:
Please register via the following Zoom webinar registration




**Contact Information**
Food Safety Management Association (JFSM)
Business Support Department-2, Promotion Team
Tel: 03-6268-9691
Email: info★jfsm.or.jp
* Please replace ★ with @ when sending emails.


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