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SSCAP(Sustainable Supply Chains Assessment Platform) system Call for companies to participate in trials.


The Japan Food Safety Management Association (JFSM) has developed the Sustainable Supply Chains Assessment Platform (SSCAP) together with the Total Quality Food Development Association (TQFA), the owner of Taiwan's food safety certification programme, as a 'social responsibility project'.
The platform will provide support to all food businesses in both establishing food safety and fulfilling social responsibility, with the aim of comprehensively improving the credibility of the food industry.

Based on the planned release of the SSCAP system in November 2024, a trial version will be released for the purpose of conducting research on ease of use. We would be grateful for your cooperation in participating in the trial version.

See also this leaflet.(Japanese)


■ Participation costs:
Free (*Communication and equipment costs are to be borne by participating companies)


■Request details:
Please try out the trial version of the SSCAP system and provide feedback (questionnaire, one-hour interview, etc.). Details will be provided separately.
Feedback response period: during the trial availability period below - 16:00 Thursday, 31 October 2024.


■Trial availability period:
12:00 Tuesday 8 October 2024 - 16:00 Thursday 24 October 2024
*Period of availability is subject to change.


■ Eligibility for participation:
(1) Suppliers (food businesses)
(2) Procurement side (retailers, trading companies/wholesalers, food business operators who purchase) *Please apply after linking up with 1-3 supplier sites that request self-assessment responses.


■ Functions available:
(1) Suppliers (food business operators): You can enter your self-assessment of approximately 200 questions and check the results regarding the degree of your company's commitment to social responsibility.
(2) Procurement side (retailers, trading companies/wholesalers and food business operators who purchase from suppliers): You can select a standard package or an original package and ask any supplier to enter a self-assessment and check the results of their response.
The trial versions of both (1) and (2) do not include learning functions such as SSCAP guidelines and E-Learning.


■ How to apply:
Please access the application form at the following URL and fill in the required details to apply.


■Application deadline:
12:00, Monday 30 September 2024
A JFSM representative will contact you within one week of your application.
Please note that due to the limited number of places available for the trial, you may not be able to take part even if you apply.


■Repayment for cooperation:
(1) Suppliers (food business operators): One year's free annual registration fee for the official version of the SSCAP system *Only one site per supplier.
(2) Procurement side (retailers, trading companies/wholesalers, food business operators who purchase): Half off the annual registration fee for the official version of the SSCAP system for one year.
Please note that all data entered in the trial version will be reset for both (1) and (2).


Please also check here.(Japanese)


We look forward to your participation.


Japan Food Safety Management Association (JFSM)
SSC Team
Hirano, Sawamoto, Wakaya
Tel: 03-6268-9691
Email: info★jfsm.or.jp
Please convert ★ to @ when sending an email.


Disclaimer: The translation process used on this English website is partially offered by a "machine translation" for your convenience. This translated document is provided for information purposes only. In the event of a difference of interpretation or a dispute, the original Japanese version of this document is binding.