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Notification from the Nagano Industrial and Commercial Encouragement Organization: Announcement of the 'Delicious Shinshu Food Discovery Business Meeting in Tokyo' event


We are pleased to inform you of an upcoming event from the Nagano Industrial and Commercial Encouragement Organization.



◆◆ Delicious Shinshu Food Discovery Business Meeting in Tokyo ◆◆

【98 Exhibitors Confirmed!!】

A business matching exhibition featuring agricultural producers and processed food manufacturers from Nagano Prefecture.


Producers and manufacturers will showcase high-quality products cultivated by Nagano Prefecture's favorable climate and technology. We invite buyers to take this opportunity to discover new agricultural products and processed foods from Nagano Prefecture.


■ Date: August 28, 2024 (Wednesday) 11:00 AM - 5:00 PM

■ Venue: Ikebukuro Sunshine City, Cultural Center Building 2F, Exhibition Hall D (Venue Access)

■ Organized by: Nagano Prefecture Sales Bureau, Nagano Industrial and Commercial Encouragement Organization

■ Supported by: Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) Nagano Trade Information Center, Nagano Prefecture Agricultural Products Export Business Association

■ Free Admission, Pre-Registration Required

■ Visitor Registration Website: https://www.nice-o.or.jp/info/info-54716/



For inquiries regarding this event, please contact:

Nagano Industrial and Commercial Encouragement Organization, Management Support Headquarters,

Marketing Support Division Consumer Goods Team,Contact: 山﨑・大給

Phone: 026-235-7246

Email: hanro★nice-o.or.jp (replace ★ with @)


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