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JFS-C Standard Document Ver. 3.1 and JFS-C Certification Program Document Ver. 3.2 were released


Japan Food Safety Management Association (JFSM) released Version 3.1 of the JFS-C Standard Document and Version 3.2 of the JFS-C Certification Program Document on May 14, 2024.

The revised standard documents are intended to be consistent with the following standard documents related to food safety.

GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF FOOD HYGIENE CXC 1-1969 (Adopted in 1969. Amended in 1999. Revised in 1997, 2003, 2020,2022. Editorial corrections in 2011.)

CODEX Committee Code of Practice on Food Allergen Management for Food Business Operators CXC 80-2020

The benchmarking requirements for hygienic design in the JII sub-sector were referenced and the sections required for food business operators were added.

Requirements of the new GFSI Global Market Program (intermediate level)

The revised program document also aims to align with the following standard documents related to food safety management system certification schemes.

ISO 22003-1:2022


For details of the revision of the JFS-C Standard and the JFS-C Certification Program Document, please refer to the following

JFS Standard Document

JFS-C Standard Version 3.1

(Summary Document) Comparison of Version 3.0 to Version 3.1 of the JFS-C Standard Document and Summary of Revision

Please refer to this document for comparison with Version 3.0 of the JFS Standard.

JFS-C Certification Program Document

JFS-C Certification Program Document Version 3.2

(Summary Document) Comparison of JFS-C Certification Program Document Version 3.1/Version 3.2 and Summary of Revision (main text)

(Summary Document) Summary of Comparison and Revision of JFS-C Certification Program Document Version 3.1/Version 3.2 (Annex 1)

(Summary Document) Summary of Comparison and Revision of JFS-C Certification Program Document Version 3.1/Version 3.2 (Annex 2)

Please refer to this document for comparison with JFS-C Certification Program Document Ver. 3.1.

Please refer to the following page for the complete set of published documents including the above.

List of Released Documents

Disclaimer: The translation process used on this English website is partially offered by a "machine translation" for your convenience. This translated document is provided for information purposes only. In the event of a difference of interpretation or a dispute, the original Japanese version of this document is binding.