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Mutual Recognition of JFS-B and TQF Level 1 Standards Begins; Additional Mutual Recognition Benefits for JFS-B/C and TQF Standards


The Japan Food Safety Management Association (JFSM) signed a partnership agreement with the Taiwan Quality Foods Development Association (TQFA) on November 30, 2022, to promote the expansion of food imports and exports between Japan and Taiwan and to promote mutual recognition of food safety standards.

Under the mutual recognition program between JFS and TQF standards based on this agreement, mutual recognition of the JFS-B standard and the TQF Level 1 Food Safety Management Standard (TQF L1) has been newly initiated.

Japanese food business operators who have acquired the JFS-B standard and plan to export to Taiwan and wish to acquire the TQF L1 standard can now obtain a certificate issued by both JFSM and TQFA program owners after going through the audit process including differential audits and sampling inspections as stipulated in the regulations, mutual recognition of the TQF L1 standard.

In addition, food businesses that have received mutual recognition of the JFS-B and JFS-C standards and TQF L1 will be offered new benefits by TQFA and JFSM. Benefits include participation in exhibitions and business matching events, provision of information from TQFA and JFSM, and discounts on various services (e.g., consultation on Taiwanese laws and regulations, Taiwanese food labeling, etc.).

Please refer to the following regulations for details on procedures required for mutual recognition of TQF L1 standards, application documents, registration fees, differential audits, sampling inspection requirements, and mutual recognition benefits.

Rules for Mutual Recognition of JFS-B Conforming Organizations for TQFL1 (for companies that have acquired the JFS-B standard)

Application Form for Mutual Recognition of TQFL1 for JFS-B Conforming Organizations

TQFL1 Mutual Recognition Program Rules for JFS-B Conforming Organizations (for audit firms conducting mutual recognition)

TQFL1 Mutual Recognition Auditor/Judge Application Form for JFS-B Conforming Organizations

Rules for TQF L1 Mutual Recognition Application for JFS-C Certified Organizations (for JFS-C certified companies)

Application for TQF L1 Mutual Recognition for JFS-C Certified Organizations

Inquiries regarding this matter:

Japan Food Safety Management Association (JFSM)


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