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【Press Release】Total number of organizations that have acquired certification/certification of conformity to the "JFS Standard," a food safety management standard originating in Japan, exceeds 2,000.


We are pleased to announce that the total number of organizations* that have acquired certification/certification to the Japan Food Safety Management (JFS) Standard, a food safety management standard developed and operated by the Japan Food Safety Management Association (JFSM), has exceeded 2,000.

As of March 2022, the JFS-A/B conformity certification standard, a step-up program that is easy for all food manufacturers to work on, and the JFS- In addition to the C standard certification, the company operates the JFS standard (Food Service), which is for food service, lunch, and meal service, and the JFS standard (Food Service Multi-site), a version for businesses with multiple store locations, and the JFS-DT standard for sorting and packaging produce for Thailand, respectively.

JFSM will continue its efforts to provide an easy-to-understand standard and certification system that enables food business operators to step up to international standard food safety management, regardless of the size of their business. We will continue to implement initiatives to support the use of food safety as a passport to business transactions in a variety of flexible ways.

The number of certified organizations indicates the number of JFS standard certifications and certificates of conformity in effect as of March 11, 2022 (Friday).

Press Release


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